Series 962 softener controller
Series 962 softener controller

series 962 softener controller

  • 180 Series Softener / Filter Control Valves.
  • 172 Series Softener / Filter Control Valves.
  • Magnum Cv / Magnum IT Series Control Valves.
  • 278 Auto-Twin Softeners / 278 Parallel Softeners.
  • 255 Series Softener / Filter control Valves.
  • We provide for you excellent and fully qualified technical advise to help and solve water problems and your needs shall be attended after sales services. Our engineers and reliable technicians install and supervise if necessary. The rate of maintenance is minimum and installation of the unit does not require complicated tools or equipment. Softeners are equipped with high hardness removal capacity resins, automatic regeneration scientifically adjusted to your specific requirements. RAHA provides you the all types of water softener and deionizer systems to solve your problems that deal with your particular water applications. Once again the system is ready to soften more water. The brine solution loosens the hardness ions, which have built up on the resin beads then the system backwashes and flushes the hardness minerals away.

    series 962 softener controller

    Salt water is used to wash the resin beads. After this process, the water leaving the softener is soft. When hard water passes through the resin beads inside the softener, the beads attract and hold calcium and magnesium ions and give off sodium ions. Water softeners use resin beads, which hold sodium ions. Hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions.

    Series 962 softener controller