Inpage to unicode solution online
Inpage to unicode solution online

inpage to unicode solution online

Corpus analysis tools have been developed to perform the various analysis like Word Frequency, Bi-Gram and Tri-Gram on the corpus.

inpage to unicode solution online

  • A Corpus of Shahmukhi has been created having 5 Lakh Total Words.
  • 5000 more Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi entries digitized.
  • Knowlwdge base of Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi tansliteration rules created.
  • Phonetic based mapping table for transliteration from Shahmukhi to Gurmukhi text finalised.
  • Design of Lexical entry interface completed and 5000 Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi entries digitized.
  • Selection of 25,000 most frequently used Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi terms completed, based on frequency analysis of Shahmukhi corpus.
  • A utility for conversion of inPage text to unicode format has been developed.
  • In order to develop the corpus for Shahmukhi it is necessary to have a converter for Inpage to Unicode formats, as majority of source text (Shahmukhi) is available in InPage only.
  • Language text and structure analysis of both Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi scripts performed.
  • A detailed study of the various standards and formats like INPAGE, UNICODE, Nastalik based fonts has been performed.

  • Inpage to unicode solution online